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Photo du rédacteurJulie Vyncke


Our Damisian Tsarin Fure has been nominated for the Youth Work Award 2021. Fure is a 36-year-old woman who is committed to fighting to protect children's rights. The Damisien Youth Work Federation, which is responsible for the awards, noticed Tsarin Fure's project ‘Bude Gidan’ through social media. This is the second time the project has been nominated for a possible award.

The consequences of the corrupt regime

After the liberation from the corrupt regime in 2018, many residents of Damisa lost their way. They were happy that it was over, but found it difficult to rebuild their lives. They had no idea where to start. Many adults fled to neighbouring countries, where the economic climate was more favourable. They left their families behind to pursue their own careers. In addition, there are several prison camps, where parents are still detained. The government cannot get a grip on this. The result? Many single-parent families with children.

The parent responsible for the family often has a full-time job to support the family. This means long hours and little time for raising the children. After school, the children are often free and there is no control from the parent. This creates dangers, the child may end up in crime or the parent may force the minor to work in factories for extra income. Factory bosses take advantage of the children, for dangerous tasks, because they cannot defend themselves. This often ends in exploitation and unsafe working conditions. These are things that limit the child from really living as someone his own age.

Bude Gidan

In the beginning, Tsarin Fure engaged in conversations on the streets with children. She asked them what they needed. The children insisted that they needed a safe place to play. Fure is very aware about the problems and wanted to bring a change. That’s how project ‘Bude Gidan’ was born in 2020.

Tsarin Fure provides a home for young people in the capital Jariri. The project called "Bude Gidan," is a meeting place for young people. The goal of the project is to keep children away from exploitation and keep them out of crime. Throughout the week, Fure organizes various activities for young people. She wants to offer them a safe place where they can be completely themselves. In those moments, they need to forget their worries for a while and learn to be fully a child.

The blue house 'Bude Gidan' in the middle of the street.

Every day new faces can be found in the house. For Tsarin Fure, this is confirmation that the project really matters. “It is an extra motivation to give the best of yourself every day” says Fure. She is happy to have been nominated for the Youth Work Award, but says she could never carry this project alone. She points out that every day there is a group of volunteers who help to make Bude Gidan a safe place for every child.

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